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The answers given here help us write a comprehensive report and share insights with your child’s math specialist. It may take up to a half hour to complete.
Learn how to teach students with dyscalculia and dyslexia how to add/subtract within 10 using multisensory interventions. Check out this 500+ page digital download.
Subtraction Doubles (Lesson 2.5) Instructions: OBJECTIVE: Practice subtraction doubles! Click to spin and type in the answer provided in the box below. Click the check mark to see if you got it right! If you did not get it right, type a new answer and click the red x...
6 Creative Ideas for Funding Dyscalculia Tutoring Do you worry about finding the funding to support the tutoring needs of your child with a learning disability? Join Made for Math’s CEO Adrianne Meldrum and OG Tutor Karee Atkinson as they discuss creative ideas for...
Number Sense and Subitizing: 8 Ways Dyscalculic Learners Can Soar In this video, Made for Math’s CEO Adrianne Meldrum and Professor Brian Butterworth discuss working memory, number sense, and subitizing. You’ll hear an insightful conversation about navigating...
Math Sight Facts with Professor Sharma In the hustle and bustle of an early elementary classroom, students are busy working on their reading skills and mastering sight words. Many of you have experience with teaching a child their sight words or perhaps learning them...
6 Surprising Ways Dyslexia Affects Math and How to Help Does your child have dyslexia? Do they stumble through math problems, straining to find the difference between multiplication and addition symbols? Or perhaps they get lost in the directionality of math and...
Dyscalculia Screeners: The First Step in Getting the Help Your Math Student Needs Do you have a child who struggles with math? I mean really struggles? They might avoid it as much as possible or throw out a bunch of random answers so they can move on. Maybe just when...