6 Surprising Ways Dyslexia Affects Math and How to Help Does your child have dyslexia? Do they stumble through math problems, straining to find the difference between multiplication and addition symbols? Or perhaps they get lost in the directionality of math and...
Dyscalculia Screeners: The First Step in Getting the Help Your Math Student Needs Do you have a child who struggles with math? I mean really struggles? They might avoid it as much as possible or throw out a bunch of random answers so they can move on. Maybe just when...
Math Anxiety: 3 ways to ease your child’s pain You feel your chest tighten as soon as you hear the words “students, it’s time for a math pop quiz” come out of your teacher’s mouth. Your breathing starts to quicken and your face suddenly feels like it’s on...
Word Problem-Solving: Easy Visual Models for Dyscalculia Word problem-solving can be so painful! Did you know there are over 31 million Google search results for “word problem memes”? Here are 4 that we think is hilariously accurate: Makes sense considering many...
Math Accommodations Generator: A Free Tool That Helps You Advocate For Your Child Force, gears, speed, production… these are words that describe a machine. Machines are great. They are efficient. They’re quick and productive. They’re consistent and predictable –...
12 Helpful Math Books for Dyscalculia Dyscalculia research is about 30 years behind that of reading. However, there are gems out there covering the research we do know to help us impact students with dyscalculia positively. I’m driven to learn it all when it comes to...
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Learn how to teach students with dyscalculia and dyslexia how to add/subtract within 10 using multisensory interventions. Check out this 500+ page digital download.