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Fractions, Ratios, and Percent

Click on the image to watch and read more about the topic!

Cider & Osmosis: Try this 7-minute how-to for equivalent ratios

For many of our children, the concept of equivalent ratios is not transferable by osmosis. The explicit, mindful, methodical instruction in this video lesson is the place to begin. Let’s give our children the confidence to work with equivalent ratios. They are everywhere!

Here’s a quick & visual way to DISCOVER least common multiples

Don’t waste your precious breath articulating “Automated Teller Machine” when you can enunciate ATM. Why type out “Shaking My Head” when SMH will do. Oh, the power of initialisms! So much in only three letters! Introducing (drum roll) another triple-letter combo to the team: LCM, meaning “Least common Multiple!”

Fraction operations and Word Problems: 5 EASY STEPS

Fraction operations and Word Problems: 5 EASY STEPS

The honest reality is that word problems and fraction operations can be the catalyst for higher heart-rates and emotional hyperventilation. Is there a path out of the word problem pain? Amy, as a wizened Sage, guides with practical, observable, momentum-building steps.

Sick of Doing Dishes? See How Fractions Are Surprisingly Helpful.

It was a crisp fall day.  As I gazed out my office window, I could see our tree was almost done dropping its leaves.  In the distance, there was a low whine from an old red Honda motorcycle.  He was coming.  That motorcycle is so cool.  I secretly wish I had one when...

Unlock the Secret to Fractions with These 3 Weird Rules

I have to say it: fractions are the number one topic I re-teach at all levels. Doesn’t matter if they are in elementary school, high school, or college. Folks just get flustered with fractions. My students will be bopping along doing math problems and then halt due to...

The Language of Fractions and Why It’s Important

    When working with students, we have to use specific math terms. Referring to a number as the one on the top doesn't serve them well into the future. Let's talk all about the official terms for fractions like numerator, denominator, and what they mean...

How to Multiply a Fraction by a Fraction Using a Model

In this video, we'll show you the multisensory way of multiplying a fraction by a fraction using a model. You'll see how to: Draw a model of the fraction Know which one to start with How to identify the area that needs shading We offer all online math services...