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How to solve percent proportions in 12 minutes

The smoke is beginning to clear from Black Friday’s afterMATH. We have regained our true selves, prefrontal cortices, and emotional sanity from all the shopping frenzy! For now.

What’s the next best thing? Mathematics! No-brainer. Precisely, Percent Proportions. Percent Proportions dovetail seamlessly with seasons of shopping, costs, sales, percentages, and of course, Black Friday.

Related: Intro to Ratios 

Some topics may feel off-limits with our kids. You know, the real hot-button issues! Historically, Percent Proportions may have fallen into that category. Where children respond

It doesn’t have to be this way. Math doesn’t have to be intimidating, shaming, or otherworldly.

Brittany, Math Specialist, and Made For Math VP’s lesson opens a new way to look at percent proportions. Shopping, sales, stores, stories, and all interwoven with distilled mathematical language made me proud to work with MFM! It’s engaging, visual, and applicable. Thank you, Brittany! There’s more where that comes from: How to Solve Proportions 

Related: Cider & Osmosis and Equivalent Ratios

We don’t need mass hysteria, trampling of joy, and mental chaos when it comes to math

Our children can be savvier with money! We can help them with finances, spending, and saving! This help is an investment that will pay off in the future. That’s a deal worth celebrating!

There is something you can do RIGHT NOW to help. Click “Play” and give the gift of money sense!

Watch the Video

MFM Authors

Matthew Lyda

Matthew Lyda

Multisensory Math Specialist

Matthew is a Blue Belt in Shotokan Karate, a happy husband, wilderness lover, drummer, and a voracious reader! He works with students one:one as well as in group classes. 

Brittany Sawyer

Brittany Sawyer

Multisensory Math Specialist, VP of Group Classes

Brittany is a certified teacher with 12 years experience teaching mathematics. She loves the outdoors, is an avid sports fan, and doesn’t discriminate of sweets of any kind. She works with students one:one as well in group classes.