Vote “Yes” for fun Math: The best intro to percents EVER!
Before we dive into percents…
Excuse me, is there something crucial occurring today? Oh, yeah! It is the 307th day of the year in the Gregorian calendar! Duh. But, wait a minute…there IS something else…I just know it…” National Sandwich Day!”
I love sandwiches! Alright, ok. Enough with the shenanigans!
On this Election day, what percent of the citizens will vote?
Which candidate will capture the highest rate of votes? As “big people” think about the 2020 election fallout, there is a sense of…
There is a 100 % chance that someone will occupy the Oval Office today! When the smoke clears. Good ole percents. We find them in our politics, presidential races, and so much more!
We track with this concept, but we are off the rails if we believe this is second nature for our kids. What percent chance do our students have in understanding? Without the explicit, multi-sensory, mindfully paced instruction, we know that works?
Related: Great Questions to ask the teacher when math grades stink!
By and large, we teach math to kids who have been blessed with the gifts of dyslexia, ADHD, and autism. They deserve the kind of care exemplified in today’s math lesson by Specialist Brittany! What I love about this video is the Latin, real-life examples, pictures, coloring (Yes, I said coloring!), all conspiring to ease our kids into the world of percentages!
Related: Join the Fun!
Think for a moment about all the places you use percents:
- Forecasts
- Professional sports
- Elections
- Grades
These (and more) are all the places our children will use them! And we’re just getting started!
Our kids are capable learners whose differences are strengths and not deficits. Regardless of the election results, this is sure, our students are MADE FOR MATH.
So, VOTE YES for online, fun, hands-on instruction. Download today’s freebie, click “play” on the intro to percents math lesson!
Step 1: Download the Printable
Step 2: Watch the Video
MFM Authors

Matthew Lyda
Multisensory Math Specialist
Matthew is a Blue Belt in Shotokan Karate, a happy husband, wilderness lover, drummer, and a voracious reader! He works with students one:one as well as in group classes.

Brittany Sawyer
Multisensory Math Specialist, VP of Group Classes
Brittany is a certified teacher with 12 years experience teaching mathematics. She loves the outdoors, is an avid sports fan, and doesn’t discriminate of sweets of any kind. She works with students one:one as well in group classes.