This last year, I was at a working weekend with some good friends of mine. I was sitting at the end of a table fighting to maintain focus. I looked up to see my friend’s fingers flying across her keyboard with her headphones on. To say I was envious of her work flow was an understatement!
I decided to interrupt her and ask what she was listening to, “Hey, what’s playing in your ears over there?”
A sly grin spread across her face. “Promise you won’t make fun of me? It’s pretty weird.”
Now she’s got my full attention. I needed some inside trade secrets for focus.
“I’m listening to a song on repeat. It’s that silly song from Bad Lip Reading, Seagulls Stop it Now!”
I was completely stunned. That song gets stuck in my mind for days! Thankfully she elaborated.
“It’s actually a focus technique based on gaming. Have you ever noticed how games have music in the background that doesn’t necessarily distract the mind but helps you stay the course and keep going?”
Yes, but seagull music is not a game song I’m thinking.
“The gaming industry has found the right mix of music to keep players inside the game longer. The music maintains focus and enhances the experience. Now I know the Seagull song is hardly a gaming song but for me, it helps! I have a play list of songs that I can either listen to on repeat so I can increase my stamina for work.”
We talked about her playlist more and she definitely had me intrigued because I know that she struggles with ADHD. To see this good friend of mine use this hack to help herself made me immediately think about my students.
I compiled a list of study music both from my friend but also from chatting with my students. We’ve come up with this list of music that really helps them to maintain focus.
The links below will redirect you to either YouTube or Spotify.
Try on each of the types of music and compile your own list! I’m finding myself opening this music list often when I’m working to help me maintain focus. My personal favorites have been Jazzy Study and Pirates of the Caribbean.
Do you have a favorite study hack? Feel free to share it in the comments below even if it does involve seagulls. ?