Subtraction Secrets: How to subtract without regrouping
Unconventional yet intuitive! Harness your inner rebel, discard the old-fashioned way of subtracting and regrouping (at least for the next 15 minutes)! And follow along as Amy rewrites the script with “Subtracting without Regrouping!”
Try out subtraction using the expanded form in this video and article!
Inspired by Dr. Raj Shah, at the conference for the NCTM (National Council of Teachers of Mathematics), lace up your boots, set out on the fierce wilderness of working with numbers flexibly! Bucking the establishment and maybe feeling a subtraction revolution!
Every single one of us is a math person. There is no such thing as the “math gene.” - Dr. Raj Shah
The best part is the golden opportunity for our students to get more comfortable with numbers. It’s not always about the answer, but the PATH to the solution. Enjoy the Journey
In other news, a lesson on place value
Stretch your math muscles! Especially the subtraction ones! Our children will access these powers over and over as they scale the heights of mathematical greatness!
Join the subtraction revolution, DOWNLOAD the FREE printable, click “Play” on the Math Lesson, and dismantle the subtraction establishment!
Step 1: Download the Printable
Step 2: Watch the Video
MFM Authors

Matthew Lyda
Multisensory Math Specialist
Matthew is a Blue Belt in Shotokan Karate, a happy husband, wilderness lover, drummer, and a voracious reader! He works with students one:one as well as in group classes.

Amy Anderson
Multisensory Math Specialist; VP of Grades 7-12
Amy is a certified teacher with a Masters in Education and a Bachelor of Arts. She enjoys photographing the Pacific Northwest landscapes, walking her dog, rock climbing and searching for humpback whales. She works with students one: one as well in group classes.