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We hire qualified teachers in the following US States: AZ, CO, ID, FL, ID, MO, NM, TX, UT, WA
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The Hungarian Ten Frame: How Pattern Recognition and Manipulatives Transform Math Learning
At Made for Math, we often teach students using dice patterns to promote subitizing—the ability to...
Math Language, Vocabulary, & Story Problems: A Conversation with Dr. Sarah Powell
At Made for Math, we’re passionate about making math accessible, meaningful, and even fun for...
Beyond Learning Styles: Understanding Your Child’s Unique Learning Needs
As parents and educators, we've all heard about "learning styles." But why are they so popular? 1....
Number Sense
Number sense is a student’s ability to understand, relate, and connect numbers. It includes the ability to understand quantities and concepts like more and less. Here are some number sense tips to help.
Basic Operations
Does your child struggle with basic math operation like addition, subtraction, division and multiplication? Here are great ideas to help with that.
Math Facts
Math facts seem to be a struggle for many students. You don’t have to drill the flash cards over and over. There are a lot of other more helpful ways to learn those math facts and have them stick.
Money and Time
Why is money and time so difficult to learn for a lot of students? Don’t fret, check out these awesome techniques to get your child back on track.
Fractions, Ratios, and Percent
Fractions, Ratios and Percents…these words are sure to clam up most any kid that we see. Did you know that we have fun ways to teach these? Check them out here.
From polynomials to intergers to graphing, we have tips to help with any of these topics. We cover a lot of Pre-Algebra and Algebra topics to help students along the way.
Geometry primarily focuses on points, lines and planes. We can help guide your child through these concepts in a clear and concise way.
Yes, we even specialized techniques to help learn trigonometry and pre-calculus. Higher math like this can get tricky for students, but our techniques are sure to help!
Multisensory Math
Multisensory Math is what we focus on at MFM. It is a different way of thinking about teaching math and was developed by Marilyn Zecher. It uses objects to teach the concepts of math. This method leads to the use of pictures to provide a kind of portable memory which supports processing at the abstract level which uses only numbers. It is very beneficial in teaching children with learning differences.
Learning Differences
At MFM we believe that everyone is Made for Math! Not all brains are wired the same, and that’s ok. We primarily work with kids with Autism, ADHD, Dyscalculia, Dyslexia and other learning differences. We have a method that is highly successful in teaching these children math. We have a lot of resources availiable to you to learn more.
We have a series of informative webinars that cover all kinds of helpful topics to help you on your journey with your child’s different way of learning. These webinars are primarily geared toward parents and offer great insight to those seeking answers in their child’s education.