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Unlocking Dyscalculia Series

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Collecting what’s working in research, identification, and intervention of dyscalculia.

We aim to serve parents and professionals who are seeking to learn more from the researchers, assessors, and interventionists working to help students and adults struggling with dyscalculia.

This web series helps by bringing the latest research, best practices, and lived experiences to all people interested in changing the dialog around dyscalculia.

Listeners will come away with a better understanding of dyscalculia from how it looks in the brain, what assessment looks like, intervention, and lived experiences causing all who listen to embrace that dyscalculia is a brain-wiring difference, not a deficit.

 Watch Unlocking Dyscalculia Web Episodes

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Curious if multisensory math would help your child or student?

Often, we resort to doing more of the same when teaching students with dyscalculia. Take our free quiz to see if your child or student would benefit from a hands-on approach.