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Learn how to teach students with dyscalculia and dyslexia how to add/subtract within 10 using multisensory interventions. Check out this 500+ page digital download.
Beyond Learning Styles: Understanding Your Child’s Unique Learning Needs As parents and educators, we’ve all heard about “learning styles.” But why are they so popular? 1. People love to identify themselves as a “type” 2. They can provide order...
Why does my child reverse numbers? It’s not uncommon for parents to notice their child reversing numbers while learning to write. This can lead to concerns about dyslexia, but in many cases, it’s something that the child will grow out of. Typically,...
Dyscalculia Diagnosis (as an adult): Is it worth it? Navigating the path to obtaining a dyscalculia diagnosis as an adult can be both daunting and liberating. It’s natural to seek validation for the challenges you’ve faced, to confirm that you’re not...
Mathematics For All: Supporting Different Learning Student Profiles At Made for Math, we understand the diverse learning profiles of our students and recognize the unique challenges they may face. In this video, we dive into effective teaching strategies tailored to...
CRA Method: Concrete-Representational-Abstract–What Is It and How To Use It Have you ever heard of the CRA Method in math instruction? It stands for Concrete, Representational, and Abstract – three essential stages that form the foundation of effective math...
Multisensory Math Online–3 Reasons Why It Works Parents! You have a neurodiverse child who needs Multisensory Math. The only problem is that it isn’t offered in your area–The solution? Made for Math! Table of Contents Multisensory Math Accessible...