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The answers given here help us write a comprehensive report and share insights with your child’s math specialist. It may take up to a half hour to complete.
Learn how to teach students with dyscalculia and dyslexia how to add/subtract within 10 using multisensory interventions. Check out this 500+ page digital download.
Divide by Fractions: Clutter-Free & Confident: (+freebie) Divide by fractions: 6 divided by ½ has all the children saying: Confusion tastes stale. “I don’t understand.” “I hate math.” “I’m not good at math.”...
Math Vocabulary: Fraction Math vocabulary word of the day: fraction! When teaching math, there is the language of the student, the teacher, and THEN the language of mathematics. As we worked on this word study, we grappled with which definition to use as the math...
The Multisensory way to add fractions in less than 9 minutes Have you ever found it challenging to find common ground? And does this illuminate how we add fractions? Yet, who appears to be different, at first glance, may have some underlying commonality! ...
Mathematical Mimicry: How to simplify fractions with a copycat one “Stop Copying Me!”“You’re a Copycat!” Have the walls in your abode heard this refrain? Could this idea help us to simplify fractions? Hold that thought as we consider the...
The Greatest FACTOR of all time! 11-minute intro to Greatest Common Factors Have you ever done a trust fall? Does it involve one of the critical factors to a relationship’s success? What about factors in winning...
5 Powerful interventions in 10-minutes! The world’s best introduction to Ratios Order in the court! Order and arrangement. Don’t put the cart before the horse! Sequence matters! Especially with...