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Learn how to teach students with dyscalculia and dyslexia how to add/subtract within 10 using multisensory interventions. Check out this 500+ page digital download.
12 Helpful Math Books for Dyscalculia Dyscalculia research is about 30 years behind that of reading. However, there are gems out there covering the research we do know to help us impact students with dyscalculia positively. I’m driven to learn it all when it comes to...
Meet a Statistician with Dyscalculia: Dylan Lynn’s Journey as a Mathematician (Ep 8) If you had a math learning disability like dyscalculia, would you choose to go into a career revolving around mathematics? Would you be able to withstand working in one of your...
Heads up!: 9 Areas of Struggle for Dyscalculic Learners and How to Support Them Imagine this: you’re ten years old, sitting through another math lesson. Your teacher has asked you to hurry up and solve 4,358 divided by 7. You try to remember the first step…but by the...
The Future is Bright: Algebra Readiness Begins in Preschool Are you the parent or teacher of a child with a math learning disability? Have you seen firsthand the frustration that comes when a child struggles to retrieve basic number facts even though they have...
Math Heroes: 4 Super Powers and Fun Ways Every Child Can Master Them Batman protects the good people of Gotham City from the Joker’s crazy schemes. Spider-Man risks his life to deliver justice to the Green Goblin. And you spend every school night valiantly fighting...
Diagnosing Dyscalculia: How to Spot the Signs and Get the Help Your Child Needs You know that feeling you get as a parent? The one that lets you know something is not right with your child. The intuitive sense that your child needs something more. Even if no one else...